The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer (image above belongs to @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer). It’s a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.
I am also linking The Sunday Salon hosted by Deb Nance of Readerbuzz where bloggers discuss what they are reading and other bookish topics.
I'm a little sad that now I only find the time to blog sporadically instead keeping things more up to date. This is because I have been teaching more than fulltime for the new schoolyear and I haven't found much time to read and write. I was hoping things would settle down next week but this situation will continue until Christmas break. Hopefully, I'll a better work-life balance after that.
That said, I just had a week off and enjoyed starting and finishing three books! It felt so incredibly fantastic, to get some time to myself again. Also, a bit sad it's already over, though.
Blog and books
Now, what did I read during my time off, you ask? Well, I finally read Frankenstein, The Woman in the Purple Skirt and the brilliant Piranesi. I once more felt completely like myself again whilst reading these wonderful books. Currently also listening to Wintering and am two pages into The Crucible (I actually have no idea how this story will go, which is exciting as I often already know a bit of the plot of classics).
Movies and TV Shows

I watched some spooky/Halloweeny films during the last weeks: Edward Scissorhands (one of my favourites!), the music has been on repeat in my head for days now, maybe even weeks. This is such an enchanting story and soundtrack, I can't get enough of it. (I also may or may not have a poster like the one above in my room.)
I also watched Hocus Pocus for the first time as I see this one popping up every year near Halloween and I really wanted to know what it was like.
I probably would have liked it better to watch it as a child, but it was still enjoyable. You could say they put a spell on my after all.
Another spooky favourite is Practical Magic, I haven't read the books yet, but I'm curious to read them as well.
Some of the TV shows I watched and enjoyed are The White Queen, The White Princess, Squid Game, My Name (also liked the soundtrack) and Sex Education (I quite liked Maeve Wiley's taste in literature!).
Well, I'm off the listen a bit more to Edward Scissorhands' enthralling music and prepare a bit more for work tomorrow.
What did you read or watch recently?
As always please leave some recommendations on what I should read or watch next!
If you enjoyed this review, please follow me on Bloglovin', Twitter, Instagram, TVShowTime and Goodreads! I would really appreciate it!
Have a wonderful day everyone!